Saturday, May 13, 2006

Remember to wait for the lift next time

Something really funny happened the other day. It was Thursday nite, the day before Vesak day. Met up wif Eugene for a drink, had a chat and we decided to go play pool. So off we went to Katong Shopping Center.

We went to the pool center downstairs, but it was alrdy closed. We were actually thinking of heading to East Coast to try our luck when the security guard told us there was a pool center on the 3rd floor.

We played for quite a long time, (btw the final score was 10-4 NOT in favour of Eugene), then we left arnd 300. as we walked out, there was this big group of malaysians waiting for the lift. Thinking tat we would have to wait a long while, gene suggested walking down the stairs. and so we went.

When we finally reached the first storey, to our horror the door was locked. which meant we couldnt get into the building. so the only way out was thru the back door which led to the back alley. so we took tat route, hoping to find a way out.

then we saw this big gate in front of us. the bad news was it was chained. well, being the macho guys tat we are, there was no way we were gg to walk back to the building and take the lift again. so we decided to climb the gate. No big deal rite, execept for 1 thing. The gate had barbed wire at the top.

I took wat shd be considered as the safer route, using the roof of an adjacent guardhouse to skip the barbed wire part. my buddy, on the other hand, wisely chose to take the direct route straight over the barb wire.

Suddenly, as we were both climbing, there was this loud sound. Prrakkk! and it continued and got louder. i looked across and there was gene, halfway over the barb wire, with his bermudas caught in it. when we both finally got to the other side, only then did i see that there was a huge gaping hole in his berms, right below the backside. i was practically laughing aloud.

i was fine, except tat my new watch got a scratch on it-sim tia. so there we were, cursing and swearing, saying how we shd have just waited for the lift. the worst thing was, after all this, we were now much further fr the car and had to do a big detour.

i dunno why, but things like this just always seem to happen to the both of us when we're together. i can recall so many "good" memories of our past adventures lol. oh well, hope there's more to come.


Blogger lennie... said...

haHaa poor eugeneee...
Patienceeeee J... Patience!!!
and hey, i lurve the old days pic!!
u guys are really something~!
miss yaa J!
catchya later!!

xx leNniee

10:29 PM


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