Sunday, June 11, 2006

The longest 90 mins

Woah last nite was one hell of a nite for me. i think it was the 1st time i ever watched a football match with such immense stress on myself...and i dun think i ever wished so strongly for for a goal from the team i took.

all this resulted fr some super big time cock up at the betting site. but i guess i cant blame anyone, it was my own action and i can only say that it was pure bad luck. my world cup betting almost ended before it even began ahahaha. i still remember i went to bed praying fervently for a miracle. thankfully my prayers were answered. Phew! i dun wana ever experience tat feeling again.

Now all i can do is try to salvage the situation...hopefully things will go smoothly. This morning woke up real early to go RT and guess wat? we eneded up playing soccer lor...maybe i shd have stayed at hm and caught my beauty slp instead. dun seem to be getting enuff of it nowadays.

I've oso been thinking abt a conversation i had last nite wif a fren. i think maybe i got a bit too carried away. as in i think i shdnt be too judgmental of others. after all, i dun think i can say tat i know these pple very well. and even if i do, i dun like to judge others too much. for me i just try my best to get along well wif others and not focus too much on their strengths and weaknesses. in my opinion, keeping it simple means being happy as well.


Blogger lennie... said...

hi sweety. just dropping by to say "u've been tagged!"... view my blog for more details. lol

and yay! portugal qualified for the round of 16!!

4:19 AM


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