Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So Far, So Good

I've just completed my 4th day at work and it's been alrite so far. Alrite bcos although i've been bored to tears everyday cos i dun have anything to do, but at least the staff i've met are nice. They didnt push their stuff over to me and they've been kind enuff to make me feel welcome. but oh well, when sch starts next wk, i bet i'll be busy as hell.

And i am just beginning to realise the magnitude of the effect the World Cup has had on me. I can honestly say that for this 1 month, i wun have a life other than football, football and more football. its become a routine alrdy. now, it's football before i slp and wake up to go to work, and when i come back, its football again until i slp. I LOVE this life! hahaha. I really do. No wonder it comes around only once every 4 yrs. I think most gals would be grateful for tat lol.

I've more or less personalised my desk in sch. Got my essentials, like water bottle, cup and snacks(crucial). thinking of ways to spruce up my desk further. maybe a few photos wld be a gd idea =) but wat i really want is for them to assign me the laptop so at least i got something to work wif. oh well, it'll come soon i belive. In the meantime, just got to bear wif the tea breaks, storybk reading and smsing. hahaha. bedtime!


Blogger lennie... said...

heHhee congratz on da job!!! *hugs* have lotsa fuNn!!

2:06 AM


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