Friday, November 03, 2006

Golden Balls

I juz recalled this, so i'm writing it now cos i got some free time. For 3 consecutive Fridays last month, I was watching this Women's Futsal Tournament at a Sports Hall near my home. Just tot of sharing my thoughts and observations here.

there were surprises, both good and bad ones. the gd ones wld be that there were some truly gd female players, better than i expected, and also one team tat was way above the rest. the bad surprise wld be how some teams can play such naive futsal and expect to get anything out of it.

I mean, for gdness sake, when u have the ball and u want to pass the ball to yr teammate, and there is an opponent standing in front of u blocking the way, u DO NOT pass the ball towards the opponent and expect her to step out of the way and let the ball reach yr teammate. GET IT!???

Obviously, there were some teams who werent gd enuff to mount a challenge, for example one of the local university teams with a certain well known female player in their ranks. she stood out, but only because the rest of her teammates were crap. credit to her, she was better than the average female player, but it was not hard to find better players in the other teams.

oh and 1 thing, i highly suspect there were guys playing in some of the teams. I mean, some of the so called 'gals' looked 100% like a guy. No kidding man! And i suspect a number of them are actually filipino and indonesian maids who took time off to participate in the tournament hahaha.

but my personal favourite has to be this gal i nicknamed "Golden Balls". tat is not to say that she is anywhere as gd as david beckham, but because she really 'stood out' fr the crowd with her prominent errrm, part of her body. HAHAHA.

She has a peculiar way of running and even walking, which i can only describe as some sort of hop, which in turn only draws more attention to her headlamps. and the way she communicates with her coach and teammates, i concluded that she had to be some ditzy, bimbotic klutz. all that was lacking was the blond hair.

so even though the standard of futsal may not have been very high, but who said i didnt enjoy myself?


Blogger limpeh23 said...

of cos she is so only lah...u think i didnt take a whole folder of golden balls' photos and store in my comp.

10:43 AM


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