Monday, August 14, 2006

What else do u need?

limpeh's back. Had nothing much to write abt recently, so was MIA for a while. Anyway, in abt a week's time i'm gg to have a life again. Tats bcos the EPL is gonna resume! YEAH! and subsequently, the other european leagues will follow suit. another 10 months of action, drama, controversy and waiting to see how Jose and his useless team screw up.

I got a taste of wat's to come in yesterday's Community Shield match where Liverpool kicked the asses of Jose's Jabronies. Doesnt tat dumbass ever learn abt not shooting off his big mouth? obviously he must really like the taste of feet in his mouth.

Anyway, life in sch here is pretty much the same. nothing new or interesting worth mentioning abt, unless u include the daily calls to and from 'dad'. if u're reading this, pls wake up and do yr work and stop calling me unnecessarily. u're alrdy a chao n****r, still dun want to wake up yr idea. if i get any more calls fr u, then u better start checking yr email.

oh yeah, lastly, happy birthday to u Theo! May u get yr 1st game for Arsenal soon hahaha. all the best for the coming year Tiger Teo!


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