Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lull Period

My sch is currently undergoing a lull period. And i seriously mean a lull period, even more lull than the one in army. Ever since sch closed officially, it's been like a day care centre here for me. I think a number of the teachers oso feel the same way hahahha.

How else do u explain that when i come in in the morning i see a group of them chatting in the canteen over coffee and tea, and 2 hrs later when i walk past i still see the same pple there? and of cos, by then its like alrdy 11 am. and since they knock off at 12, all they got to do is go back to the office and surf the net or listen to mp3 for another hr or so, and tada, they can call it a day. Shiok rite?

Just today, when it was nearing knock off time for the teachers, i was speaking to one of the teachers. I said, "Hey, leaving alrdy ah?" He said, "Ya, gg to JB for lunch." "JB!??" "Ya, gg wif some of the teachers" "Wa, U all damn happening ah" "Of cos hahaha" then he started dancing some silly dance to empahsise his point.

But u guys dun need to feel sorry for me. I have certainly not lost out to these teachers. By right, my working hrs are office hrs, but u'll be surprised at wat i can do during my time in sch. or outside. hahahha. for those of u who know, u get wat i mean. for the rest of u, just keep on working hard and ignore me lol.

Oh my, i got my eyes on another watch. its a bluetooth watch then i can connect to my phone. seems really cool. i hope they do launch it in spore. it wld be the perfect X'mas present.

Lastly, STOP CALLING ME AT WORK U CHAO N*****! u know who u are.


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