Monday, December 11, 2006


Ah, how time flies. Another week and the teachers are gonna be back in sch. Actually i ain't really looking forward to that. Cos tat means everything's gonna be back to normal, and more work for me to do. I've sort of grown used to the peace and quiet around here. Listening to my mp3 while doing my stuff, ahhhh....I'll miss tat kind of working environment.

Talking abt tat, last week was a milestone wk. I finished listening to all my english songs on my mp3 player, tats like a few hundred of them, at WORK. but no worries, i've still got the chinese songs for this wk. everything is gg according to schedule yeah hahaha.

and another milestone, I was involved in a msn grp conversation for 6 hrs while at work. was juz chatting wif my colleagues and didnt realise how much time had elapsed. But tat record lasted like for, 2 days? cos later on i had another conversation for 8 hrs. yup tats the current record. dun think i'm gonaa break it, but then again, i dun like to say never hehe.

after the boot camp, the next thing on the agenda is the xmas cum new year' s party. and surprise, surprise, limpeh is involved. and since the Chairman of the Staff Welfare Committee isnt taking part in organising this, naturally the vice-chairman takes over. wanna guess who's the vice-chairman?

Hey Man U is 8 points clear of those losers fr Stamford Bridge! 8 Points! woo hoo! u know wat, i wld really want Man U to meet Barca in the Champions League. Ideally, it would be in the final with Ronnie shining and Man U winning ultimately. ahhh...tat wld be such a dream come true.


Blogger limpeh23 said...

Ronaldinho Gaucho is the best football player in the world. Period.

Sua la, think so much for wat? sooner or later u will also kena sack...

9:57 AM


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