Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Wasted Saturday

Wah lau eh damn pissed sia. I'm typing this on my new laptop, and it's really nice, kinda sleek and the screen is real cool as well. But the blady thing is, i wasnt able to connect it to my wireless router, which means tat i still got to connect it to my modem via cable. Now, wats the point of buying a laptop if i cant use it wirelessly?

I've been trying to connect it since 12 noon, and after 7 plus hrs, I still ended up nowhere. Even got my fren to come over to help me, and he did all he could plus called starhub twice, but still to no avail. really dunno where the problem lies.

hopefully, I'll be able to find out where the problem lies, otherwise there's no way to rectify it. Wonder if its the router must have been cheated by my fren who bought the router for me hahahha. Damn b******, why u wanna cheat my money?


Blogger limpeh23 said...

aiyah, the way u talk like macam u are the one who bought it. My Sunday...could not have been better. But why in the world can u end up calling yr own hp when u actually wanted to call me? somemore can ask me why it shows "user busy".....damn classic hahahaha

10:18 AM


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