Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Heaven is a Place on Earth called Kallang Netball Center

Yesterday, I was requested by one of my Netball teachers to accompany her and the Netball gals for their inter-sch match. This was bcos initially, another teacher was unable to make it, so i was supposed to replace her.

In the end, the teacher could make it after all, but, being the nice guy tat i am, and seeing tat it was NETBALL, a sport tat i've always been SO passionate abt(honest), how could i not go along. haha so i went along wif the gals after sch ended in the afternoon.

Needless to say, the gals were surprised tat i was gg along. I told them I was their escort for the day and i would be the first aid guy as well. Immediately, one of the gals came up to me and said, "i cant breathe sir, i need first aid." yeah rite. hahaha.

anyway, upon reaching the Kallang Netball Center, it was rather interesting initially. I didnt expect so many schs to be there, and with all the lithe, taut bodies and never ending legs on display, i could almost say it felt like heaven for a while. HAHAHAHA.

I must confess i've never watched a full Netball match in my life. and after watching my sch lose by 10 points, i must say i dun think i'll be watching another match anytime soon. somehow, netball just doenst cut it for me.

it doesnt evoke the same kind of interest and passion as football does, or even basketball for tat matter. perhaps its the rules of the game. wonder which wise guy came up wif it. No contact, No dribbling, No way to beat yr opponent, Only 2 gals in the team get to shoot and score, No fanciful tricks, No bone crunching tackles. SHEESH!

If u think i'm being chauvinistic here, well think again. even one of my students i was chatting to agreed wif me tat she felt netball was rather boring and if my sch had other sports which catered for gals, such as maybe soccer or basketball, she would definitely switch. She concurred that the rules for Netball were a real pain in the ass.

I do respect the game and its players. just tat i feel tat it can be improved on further. they shd really do a review of the game itself. it could be so much more exciting than it is rite now. oh well, at least i enjoyed the view. and i'm not talking abt the game. LOL.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Worst-Case Scenarios

Wat a disappointing finale to the wkend! It had all started well enuff, wif Liverpool beating Chelsea 2-0 and yours truly pocketing some cash fr Villa's match. It was all written nicely in the script. We were supposed to beat the Gooners and go 9 points clear. Guess the keyword is "supposed".

Even during the match, everything was gg according to plan. Rooney got the 1st goal and we were playing well. But we just couldnt get tat all impt 2nd goal. And i'm not kidding, but i really had this uneasy feeling tat Arse-nal would equalise. And van Persie duly obliged. Damn.

I was thinking to myself, " ok, a point isnt too bad. at least its 7 points clear. But wat if Arsenal scores again and wins? ah crap, it aint gonna happen"

maybe i shd stop thinking abt these worst-case scenarios. bcos, surprise, surprise, who shd pop up to score but henry and win it for the gooners. !@#$%

But at the end, i realised tat the real reason for man u's loss was bcos CHK had placed a bet on arsenal to win. i'm very sure tat caused man u's downfall, bcos their fan had deserted them. Damn Traitor.

Oh well, on the bright side, at least it's still 6 points, no less. We've just got to push on and make sure we dun slip up any more. We'll do it. FOR SURE.

Monday, January 15, 2007

10 Years in the Making

Phew! Finally CCA Orientation is over and done with. Never expected tat it could turn out to be so overwhelming. Those pesky Sec 1 kids can be a real handful. but its oso fun looking at how blur some of them are. And of cos some of them look really cute haha.

The rain is back again in Singapore, or did it ever go away in the 1st place? wat is irritating abt this rain is tat it rains intermittently. just when u think it has stopped and it's alrite to open the windows or head outside, it starts to pour. and i mean really pour. i'm pretty sure a lot of pple's schedules were totally messed up by the rain the past week.

CHK was at my place the other nite to watch football. somehow, events led to me bringing out the mac donalds' pieces of paper tat he had written the "story of the century" on 10 years ago. I began to read it out aloud. by the time i had finished all 4 pages of it, i was hysterical. i think i had burst into tears laughing abt 5 times at leaast. i think CHK was also gone hahaha. Damn. Something we wrote 10 years ago can still have such an effect on us. but i enjoyed it. WAHAHAHA!

to cap off a gd nite, we managed to win some money on our bets tat day. most imptly, Man U maintained the 6 point gap. this time however, i have to say i was glad chelsea won. Real glad hahaha. Damn i'm such a traitor. LOL.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Kick Off

Ahh the start of a new year. 2007 has been enjoyable for me so far, if only for 1 reason. The post New Year sales that are everywhere! U can actually get some really good bargains if u take the time and effort to hunt around the shops. Things are gg for as little as 40% of their original price. That sounds pretty darn gd to me lol.

Anyway, i've alrdy done quite a bit of shopping and i've found the whole experience to be very, therapeutic haha. shopping does wonders for the spirit. In fact, i think i've just abt completed my shopping for Chinese New Year alrdy. Talk abt doing things fast lol.

Since sch reopened, i was rather busy. Lots of teachers coming up to me and giving me things to do. Fortunately, i managed to complete the tasks quickly. Next up for me is the CCA orientation day. Hope everything goes smoothly.

Oh yeah, i returned back to playing soccer yesterday. and u know wat? it felt great to be back. i had alrdy missed like 5 weeks of soccer. so i was juz raring to go yesterday. tot i wld be rusty, but in the end i did ok. cant wait for the next session.

and most imptly, Man Utd won again last nite! Woo Hoo! And like always, they had to do it the hard way. Larsson scored first then baros equalised and just when i was dreading the replay, who shd pop up but ole solskjaer to fire home the winner. the lad's juz amazing isnt he? i love him and larsson looks to have fitted in superbly as well. i think he's gg to be a real asset for us. watch out chelsea, that's more bad news for u. The FA Cup is gg to be ours as well!