Monday, January 15, 2007

10 Years in the Making

Phew! Finally CCA Orientation is over and done with. Never expected tat it could turn out to be so overwhelming. Those pesky Sec 1 kids can be a real handful. but its oso fun looking at how blur some of them are. And of cos some of them look really cute haha.

The rain is back again in Singapore, or did it ever go away in the 1st place? wat is irritating abt this rain is tat it rains intermittently. just when u think it has stopped and it's alrite to open the windows or head outside, it starts to pour. and i mean really pour. i'm pretty sure a lot of pple's schedules were totally messed up by the rain the past week.

CHK was at my place the other nite to watch football. somehow, events led to me bringing out the mac donalds' pieces of paper tat he had written the "story of the century" on 10 years ago. I began to read it out aloud. by the time i had finished all 4 pages of it, i was hysterical. i think i had burst into tears laughing abt 5 times at leaast. i think CHK was also gone hahaha. Damn. Something we wrote 10 years ago can still have such an effect on us. but i enjoyed it. WAHAHAHA!

to cap off a gd nite, we managed to win some money on our bets tat day. most imptly, Man U maintained the 6 point gap. this time however, i have to say i was glad chelsea won. Real glad hahaha. Damn i'm such a traitor. LOL.


Blogger lennie... said...

traitor... :P

9:16 PM


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