Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Glory Glory Man United!

Ok, its been a while since my last post, so i reckoned it's abt time for a new one. lets see, the only topice i have off the top of my head is my beloved Manchester United!

well well, from a seemingly unassailable and very comfortable 7 point lead with a game in hand over liverpool, we have somehow emaciated to the point whereby a single point is what separates us from poo, albeit still with tat crucial game in hand.

wat happened? i think there isnt really just one reason for it, but rather a culmination of different factors all taking place at the wrong time. first of all, burnout. u can talk abt squad depth all u like, but u have to admit tat competing in so many competitions is gg to take a heavy toll out of the players. perhaps some of them have alrdy played too much football this season and are starting to get a bit sick of it, though they might not admit it readily.

secondly, the suspensions(some silly ones as well) and injuries are happening at the same time and it does leave us rather bare at times. mind u, these are key players we are talking abt, such as messrs Vidic and Rooney etc.

another factor would be overconfidence. well, after achieving tat magnificent clean sheet record and lifting the league cup, u would thing that confidence wld be sky high. and it probably was. but all it needed to come crashing down was one bad result. and it promptly happened. a 4-1 reverse at home to the old enemy might have cost the team rather more than just 3 points.

the next point is linked to the last one. after losing tat confidence, its very difficult to regain it quickly and tats why u have witnessed a sluggish, cautious and lacking creativity Man Utd recently.

Gd news was they still managed to beat Aston Villa last nite, thks to the new hero Federico Macheda. Wat a finish to the match. Man Utd always make it difficult for themselves, but they oso always manage to pull a rabbit out of the hat when it matters. Maybe tats why I love them so much.cHope they start picking up form fr here on.

Glory Glory Man United!


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