Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Students Say the Darndest Things

Ok, since my last post, i've accompanied the netball team to a few more matches. I had the honour of seeing them win. once. hahaha the other team was really weak la, for gdness sake, they didnt even have a coach! but i'm not gg to take credit away fr my gals; we beat them bcos we were the better team.

And i've started to appreciate the game more now. It could still be more exciting, and i feel there are way too many stoppages, but i managed to catch a couple of closely fought games which were rather exciting. of cos, these matches did not involve my team lol.

And i realised its not tat easy to score. u really got to practise yr shooting. i tried my hand at shooting a few baskets and it was pretty fun, but i think i'm still more comfortable wif the ball at my feet haha.

And oh yes, these netball gals can really drive me crazy sometimes. They've been teasing me and trying to pair me up wif the netball teacher. there was once when we were on the bus back to sch after a match and they were ganging up to tease us for the whole journey. arggghh! they said things like "You're not young anymore and so is she, so u 2 shd get married" and one student even said this: "I call her mummy, so can i call u daddy?" they were saying all these things right in front of the 2 of us. So much so that the teacher decided to ignore them. i guess she was embarrassed lol. for me, much as i put up a resistance, it was futile.

So now i have a student in sch who calls me dad. Sheesh haha.


Blogger lennie... said...

J! u've been tagged!

2:39 PM


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