Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok I'm only writing this bcos i was Tagged by S. Sheesh, why me? hahaha. Basically when u are tagged, u got to write ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Man, who comes up with these ideas??

Alrite, here's Jonnie's perfect 10:

1. I have never slept naked-when I am alone tat is. LOL. But I am currently toying with that idea, just to see how it will turn out like.

2. If I had the chance to go for plastic surgery, I would go for a nose job. An aquiline nose is wat i desire.

3. I'm still hoping I can grow taller. You never know, maybe puberty does occur in stages or maybe I'm just a late developer. 1.8m would be ideal.

4. I absolutely hate the screeching sound that students make with their shoes when they drag their feet. Never fails to make my hair stand every time. I SO wish i could just go over and give them 2 tight slaps and ask them to walk properly.

5. I forget to zip up my fly occasionally. Not intentionally of cos, but luckily, I haven been caught in any embarrassing situations. YET.

6. I am a huge meat eater, and I love eating pork especially. If you took out meat from my diet completely, I would probably kill myself.

7. I spray lots of perfume on myself before I go to work or before i go out. I just love being able to smell the fragrance throughout the day. If it wasn't so expensive, I would probably spray even more lol.

8. I have a natural talent of spotting people among a big crowd. I am usually able to spot my frens easily, even from a far, far distance. This is because I unwittingly observe my frens' walking styles and body movements and commit them to memory.

9. I love dressing up formally once in a while, because being dressed in nice formal clothes makes me feel good and confident. In fact, I would love to put on my tie and my suit, if only I could find the right occasion and if the damn weather wasnt so hot.

10. I have more than enough watches to wear a different one for each day of the week and i do. And i am certainly open to the idea of having enough watches to change a different one for each day of the month.

Ahhh...tats it? I've still got so much more to reveal. But oh well, rules are rules. If u wanna find out more, u can always just ask me. and i just realise i dun have enuff blogger frens to tag. hahaha pathetic ah. oh well, whoever is reading this, if u have a blog, please take the initiative to make yr own list yeah.


Blogger lennie... said...

haHhaa u guys sound so gay. and hey J... sleeping nude... thumbs up fr me. jez make sure ur door is locked. and i think sleepin nude alone n with somone feels completely diff. then again, both feels great with just the rite touch of sexiness. ^^

12:36 AM


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