Thursday, April 05, 2007


10 things about women that I can never understand:

1. Why do women always expect men to know wat they are thinking about when they dun say anything? We are not X-Men born with the ability to mind read alrite. If u really want us to know, please make the effort to speak up.

2. And when we can't read yr mind and end up not doing wat u want us to do or doing it the wrong way, u get mad at us. Duh!

3. And when we ask u wats wrong, dun tell us "nothing". We are not tat dumb until we cant tell tat u are angry abt something. and if we continue probing, the reply usually becomes "u shd know". for gdness sake, we dun! it would help if u cld just tell us wats wrong.

4. ok, if u are not gg to tell us wats wrong at that point in time, then we men are just gg to assume tat u'll get over it after a few days. so dun give us the silent treatment and expect us to rack our brains to guess wat u're angry abt.

5. Pls understand tat for us guys, a lot things to us are very trivial matters. if we dun put something back in its original position or we forgot to do something u told us, we dun expect u to get angry for 1 whole week while refusing to speak to us. just tell us wat went wrong and we shd settle it there and then and move on.

6. So if we happen to have an argument with u, pls dun bring up something tat we did a long time ago and use it against us. most likely we have alrdy totally forgotten abt it and do not expect it to be brought up again. it will only make us feel tat u are petty, not pretty.

7. Do take note tat guys are naturally not as observant as u women. we're just made tat way. well, at least most of us are. so we tend to overlook things. pls dun get angry wif us if we forget something u say. we just need more reminders tats all. just tell us nicely k?

8. If one of our lady frens calls us and says she has just broken up wif her bf and is really depressed and having suicidal thoughts, pls understand tat we need to spend a bit of time to comfort her. we're just helping a fren in need and not trying to do anything funny. we cant really tell her, "hey i'm busy rite now. can u hold yr suicide thoughts for a couple of days and i'll get back to u?" however, if a guy is obviously trying to cheat on u, then pls dun hold back and do wat u deem fit.

9. we men are also not naturally gd at multi-tasking. so dun have high hopes of us being able to do something and concentrate on our conversation wif u at the same time. if u really have something important to tell us, then get us to stop watever we are doing and listen to u.

10. Most men are not tat gd at expressing their feelings. it's just inborn. But tat doesnt mean we dun care abt u. the saying "actions speak louder than words" still rings true to this day. thru our actions, u can judge for yrself whether we really care abt u or otherwise. so judge us more on our actions than our words yeah.

Rite, having said all tat, i must clarify tat i didnt write this after having a heated argument wif a woman or anything like tat. just tat i was having a casual chat wif the provision shop attendant outside my sch and we just happened to touch on this. So i just tot i would put down some of my comments. and the above points refer to men and women in general, but of cos there will be some exceptions. this is not directed at anyone in particular so dun get offended yeah. I still think women are a great complement to us men.

Women: "u cant live wif them, but u cant live without them either"


Blogger jenniitoh said...

haha, my hubby's gonna love ur post.

anyhow, well said in a guy's point of view.

I have to say, sometimes, i am guilty as charged. LOL

3:31 PM


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