Thursday, February 22, 2007

Zao Zao Zao

How disappointing! Barca lost 1-2 to Liverpool last nite. It was a match that i had greatly anticipated but in the end, the result was a real letdown. Esp after Barca had taken the lead thru Deco, but only to let Pool score 2 costly away goals thru poor, poor defending. Perhaps its bcos of the personnel they have in the team.

They are a team of excellent ball players, players who are blessed wif great technical skills and are impeccably comfortable with the ball. They like to pass the ball around and dominate possession, which they oso did against liverpool.

However, they may be lacking the rite players defensively. they do not have a real ball winner in midfield, and when the opponents are attacking, too often the frontline and midfield players do not track back quickly enuff, if they actually do at all. perhaps its bcos they are a very attack-minded team, thus this causes a noticeable inbalance in the team.

it will be difficult for them now, bcos they have to score at least twice at anfield to have any chance of progressing. Barca are always capable of scoring goals wherever they play; the determining factor will be how adept they are at keeping them out.

on the brighter side of things, Man U have a gd chance of advancing to the next round after securing a 1-0 win away at lille. a somewhat controversial result, but i will gladly accept it. I believe we'll see them off at Old Trafford without too much fuss. Our luck seems to have been pretty gd this season. It kinda reminds me of the treble season. just like 1999, we are still in the running for the premiership, FA Cup and the Champions League. somehow, the way we are grinding out results does bear a resemblance to tat year. Hopefully, the season will end just like tat incredible year. i still remember it so vividly. 1998-99. The Season of Seasons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Firstly, I would like to wish one and all a Happy Lunar New Year! May all of you be blessed with great health and fortune in the year ahead!

Ok, so the holidays are finally over. Even though it was 4 days, it still seemed to pass by in a flash. Guess holidays are never enuff. This year, I didnt really get to do much visiting, but rather i ended up watching tv and managed to catch a couple of movies as well.

Both movies, protege and just follow law, were pretty gd. one of the many lines fr just follow law that i liked and memorised:"things that can't show, please hide. those that cant hide, pls throw. those that cant throw and cant hide, pls temporary put outside." LOL. btw, u wun believe how crowded the cineplexes are. seems like the majority of singaporeans have accepted catching a movie as part of the Chinese New Year customs lol. even the neighbourhood cineplexes are packed with pple.

Short as it was, i did enjoy the break. Now i'm back at work, but mood-wise, i think i'm still in holiday mode haha. oh well, just another couple of days work for me before i fly off to the Philippines for, u guessed it, another holiday. hope tat will be fun as well. oh ya tat reminds me, i shd start packing my luggage.

p.s. Barca to beat Liverpool tonite! Ronnie rulz!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok I'm only writing this bcos i was Tagged by S. Sheesh, why me? hahaha. Basically when u are tagged, u got to write ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Man, who comes up with these ideas??

Alrite, here's Jonnie's perfect 10:

1. I have never slept naked-when I am alone tat is. LOL. But I am currently toying with that idea, just to see how it will turn out like.

2. If I had the chance to go for plastic surgery, I would go for a nose job. An aquiline nose is wat i desire.

3. I'm still hoping I can grow taller. You never know, maybe puberty does occur in stages or maybe I'm just a late developer. 1.8m would be ideal.

4. I absolutely hate the screeching sound that students make with their shoes when they drag their feet. Never fails to make my hair stand every time. I SO wish i could just go over and give them 2 tight slaps and ask them to walk properly.

5. I forget to zip up my fly occasionally. Not intentionally of cos, but luckily, I haven been caught in any embarrassing situations. YET.

6. I am a huge meat eater, and I love eating pork especially. If you took out meat from my diet completely, I would probably kill myself.

7. I spray lots of perfume on myself before I go to work or before i go out. I just love being able to smell the fragrance throughout the day. If it wasn't so expensive, I would probably spray even more lol.

8. I have a natural talent of spotting people among a big crowd. I am usually able to spot my frens easily, even from a far, far distance. This is because I unwittingly observe my frens' walking styles and body movements and commit them to memory.

9. I love dressing up formally once in a while, because being dressed in nice formal clothes makes me feel good and confident. In fact, I would love to put on my tie and my suit, if only I could find the right occasion and if the damn weather wasnt so hot.

10. I have more than enough watches to wear a different one for each day of the week and i do. And i am certainly open to the idea of having enough watches to change a different one for each day of the month.

Ahhh...tats it? I've still got so much more to reveal. But oh well, rules are rules. If u wanna find out more, u can always just ask me. and i just realise i dun have enuff blogger frens to tag. hahaha pathetic ah. oh well, whoever is reading this, if u have a blog, please take the initiative to make yr own list yeah.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Students Say the Darndest Things

Ok, since my last post, i've accompanied the netball team to a few more matches. I had the honour of seeing them win. once. hahaha the other team was really weak la, for gdness sake, they didnt even have a coach! but i'm not gg to take credit away fr my gals; we beat them bcos we were the better team.

And i've started to appreciate the game more now. It could still be more exciting, and i feel there are way too many stoppages, but i managed to catch a couple of closely fought games which were rather exciting. of cos, these matches did not involve my team lol.

And i realised its not tat easy to score. u really got to practise yr shooting. i tried my hand at shooting a few baskets and it was pretty fun, but i think i'm still more comfortable wif the ball at my feet haha.

And oh yes, these netball gals can really drive me crazy sometimes. They've been teasing me and trying to pair me up wif the netball teacher. there was once when we were on the bus back to sch after a match and they were ganging up to tease us for the whole journey. arggghh! they said things like "You're not young anymore and so is she, so u 2 shd get married" and one student even said this: "I call her mummy, so can i call u daddy?" they were saying all these things right in front of the 2 of us. So much so that the teacher decided to ignore them. i guess she was embarrassed lol. for me, much as i put up a resistance, it was futile.

So now i have a student in sch who calls me dad. Sheesh haha.