Monday, April 30, 2007

Tagged Again

Ok, I've been tagged again, by who else but my Dear S. Sheesh S, why me again? but since i'm such a nice guy, i'll oblige u lol.

Layer One : On The Outside
Name : Jonathan/Jonnie/Jon/J/limpeh
Birth Date : 25/04/80
Current status : Single
Eye Colour : Black & White
Hair Colour : Black
Righty or Lefty : Right

Layer Two : On The Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese, but i suspect i have a bit of Brazilian blood in me as well haha
Your Fears : Screeching sounds, loneliness, maybe a bit of heights too
Your Weakness : Tending to go with my heart rather than my head, and being too easily attached to people

Your Perfect Pizza : Any pizza with meat, lots of spice, cheese, and a really crispy crust

Layer Three : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First thing when I wake up : Do I have to go to work today? Ah damn, I have to!
Your Bedtime : Usually abt midnite on working days. For any other day it varies.
Your Most Missed Memory : I miss my Mum. Lots.

Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Coke
McDonald or Burger King : Mac
Single or Group Dates : Single
Adidas or Nike : Nike Rulz!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee : Coffee

Layer Five : Do You..
Smoke : I was working towards quitting, but lately i've been puffing way too much
Curse: Nah i dun curse. tats so uncool. I just swear.
Take a shower : Yes, usually

Have a crush : Take this as yes for now
Think you've been in love: i hope tat was wat i felt
Go to school : Been there. Done that.
Want to get married : Sure, why not?
Believe in yourself : When it matters, yes
Think you are a health freak : If i said yes, u wld be swearing at me.

Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yes
Gone to the mall :Uh Huh
Been on stage : Nope, i prefer to be on TV
Eaten sushi : Yes! Loved the salmon!
Dyed your hair : I've tortured my hair enuff when i was younger, so no.

Layer Seven : Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game : Nope, although I was close to doing tat recently
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : I've only really discovered who i want to be recently, so maybe u could say i was adapting to learn more about myself.

Layer Eight : Age.
You are Hoping To Be Married : before 30

Layer Nine : In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : Brown
Best Hair Colour : Brown
Short Hair or Long Hair : Ah, depends. But i do like both. Really depends on how the gal carries it.

Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : Thinking of wat to write for this
Hour Ago : Waiting for a fren's text message
4.5 Hours Ago : I'm quite sure i was sound asleep. Dun have a witness though.
1 Month Ago : Attending a 1st Aid Course
1 Year Ago: Looking for a job

Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
Love : Family, Frens, Man Utd, Ronnie, Her
I Feel : Unmotivated and a bit confused rite now
I Hate : Petty and calculating people
I Hide : Wat i have to
I Need : Some answers

Layer Twelve : Skip.


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