Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year in Review

Rite, so finally we're at the final day of 2006. let's see, wat kind of year has it been for me? the first few months of the year are probably best forgotten, bcos it wasnt exactly the best days of my life. still remember how i struggled to get thru those dark days. took me quite a while to recover. i dun wana experience tat kind of life again in future hopefully. however, it was a great learning journey and i picked up many valuable lessons.

and of cos, the Phuket trip! tat was a real highlight. really miss those days. wat a carefree and enjoyable few days i spent there. sure wish i could go back sometime soon. need to say hi to someone over there too hahaha. tat trip sure did me a world of gd.

next up was the world cup. but before tat, it was fantastic to see Barca being crowned Champions of Europe. Go Ronnie! during world cup month, it was football, football and more football! too bad Brazil didnt win it. but i really enjoyed tat month. cant wait for the next edition.

after tat, the next memorable event was getting my present job, and then fr there all the other activities that i have been involved in for my company. it culminated in the party on friday. tat was a real gd party, i enjoyed myself and i think the committee members did a stellar job!

got to know many new frens this yr thru my job. tat has to be a real plus point for me. and of cos, not forgetting the many classical moments contributed by my gd fren, CHK. the man never fails to amaze me hahahah. keep it up yeah!

So, in a few more hrs, we're gg to crossover into 2007. overall, i wld say this yr has been an interesting yr for me, with many events and activities to keep me occupied. hope it stays this way for next yr as well. and of cos, as of now, man utd are gg to end 2006 with a 6 point lead over those chelski jabronis! woo hoo! we're gg to be crowned champions man! tats a dead certainty!

Lastly, wana wish one and all a great 2007 filled with happiness, good health and great fun!

p.s. oh yeah, the last highlight of the year was 070! i was simply blown away man!! Hahahaha

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Raindrops Falling On My Head

Rain, rain and more rain. Singapore was virtually like some water theme park for the last few days. the rain was incessant and unyielding, and it really was pouring, not just some drizzle. It was like somebody in the sky just decided to give Singapore a gd wash with a super-powered hose.

It was the highest amount of rainfall recorded in the last 75 yrs. phew! needless to say, some areas ended up being flooded and businesses ended up incurring heavy losses. in some areas, the water level was almost waist high.

Driving in tat kind of weather is no fun man. u can hardly see more than 20m ahead and u really got to be extra careful. On tuesday, after having dinner wif my frens, I was sending them home and it seemed like the rain in the northern part was the heaviest. thankfully, i managed to send everyone home without incident.

the only positive point is tat the weather is obviously much cooler now. But, tat in turn makes me want to sleep more in the morning and also when i come to work. oh well, i've hardly had enuff slp this few days. Seems like i'm occupied everyday after work with the x'mas party. I need a break!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Wasted Saturday

Wah lau eh damn pissed sia. I'm typing this on my new laptop, and it's really nice, kinda sleek and the screen is real cool as well. But the blady thing is, i wasnt able to connect it to my wireless router, which means tat i still got to connect it to my modem via cable. Now, wats the point of buying a laptop if i cant use it wirelessly?

I've been trying to connect it since 12 noon, and after 7 plus hrs, I still ended up nowhere. Even got my fren to come over to help me, and he did all he could plus called starhub twice, but still to no avail. really dunno where the problem lies.

hopefully, I'll be able to find out where the problem lies, otherwise there's no way to rectify it. Wonder if its the router must have been cheated by my fren who bought the router for me hahahha. Damn b******, why u wanna cheat my money?

Monday, December 11, 2006


Ah, how time flies. Another week and the teachers are gonna be back in sch. Actually i ain't really looking forward to that. Cos tat means everything's gonna be back to normal, and more work for me to do. I've sort of grown used to the peace and quiet around here. Listening to my mp3 while doing my stuff, ahhhh....I'll miss tat kind of working environment.

Talking abt tat, last week was a milestone wk. I finished listening to all my english songs on my mp3 player, tats like a few hundred of them, at WORK. but no worries, i've still got the chinese songs for this wk. everything is gg according to schedule yeah hahaha.

and another milestone, I was involved in a msn grp conversation for 6 hrs while at work. was juz chatting wif my colleagues and didnt realise how much time had elapsed. But tat record lasted like for, 2 days? cos later on i had another conversation for 8 hrs. yup tats the current record. dun think i'm gonaa break it, but then again, i dun like to say never hehe.

after the boot camp, the next thing on the agenda is the xmas cum new year' s party. and surprise, surprise, limpeh is involved. and since the Chairman of the Staff Welfare Committee isnt taking part in organising this, naturally the vice-chairman takes over. wanna guess who's the vice-chairman?

Hey Man U is 8 points clear of those losers fr Stamford Bridge! 8 Points! woo hoo! u know wat, i wld really want Man U to meet Barca in the Champions League. Ideally, it would be in the final with Ronnie shining and Man U winning ultimately. ahhh...tat wld be such a dream come true.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Somewhere Only We Know

Juz got back fr Batam last nite. It was a gd trip, though it was only 2 days. I was really tired when i got back. Didnt manage to find time to do much R & R cos the schedule was really packed. But overall, it was great. I really enjoyed it. S, if u are reading this, then YES, i enjoyed it bcos of.... haha u know. ;)

Met the 3rd batch of new CCPEs. generally they were alrite, but i felt that they could be more enthusiastic. then again, perhaps on our part, the timing and programme schedule could also be improved on further.

So it's back to sch for me. Hardly anybody's around. Maybe i shd really consider taking leave. take some time to chill. oh yeah, was delighted to know that man u won again on sat. that's 6 points clear now. let's see how those nincompoops fr stamford bridge are gg to catch up, if they can in the 1st place.